Ionian Regatta (week of 16th September)

You’ve heard about it. The scuttlebutt is strong. The Ionian Regatta is set again on September 20th for another classic contest mixing beach cats and yachts on a 25+ nautical mile battle alongside some of Greece’s most majestic coastline. It’s the annual long distance race where we invite the yachties to join the fun of all things Vassiliki.
Think of it as a mini Fastnet: yachts and the Wildwind catamaran dinghy fleet jostle for position on the same start line but with different time sequences. The fleet then sails out of Vassiliki Bay, circumnavigating the stunning, uninhabited island of Arkoudi and then heading back to Wildwind for the finish line, followed by refreshments and maybe a few more refreshments. Tactics can be dubious as the top shelf of the Zeus Bar challenge the night before can scupper a few unsuspecting keelboat warriors.
Spirit of Adventure
This is one for those with a spirit of adventure and whatever comes your way. The race is 35km as the crow flies but the on water distance is a lot further as the boats tack and gybe their way along the course.
Finishing back in Vassiliki, we bid the yachts farewell as they carry on to Sivota for the night and back to a finish line off the Wildwind base. Whilst the keelboaters face the prospect of a night of sleeping on board, the Wildwind clients are happy in the knowledge they’re returning to hot showers and en suite accommodation.
The boats in the fleet will be the Tornado, Goodall C2, Hobie Tigers, Hobie Pacifics, FXOnes and Hobie 16s. How are boats for this long distance extravaganza allocated? It’s all based on your level of experience: for example if you're a strong Hobie16 sailor and you've never sailed a Hobie Tiger or a Formula 18 then we prefer you to sail a Hobie 16. Results will be calculated using the Vassiliki yardstick system so even if you’re sailing a Hobie 16 and the Formula 18s have beaten you on the water the win might still be yours.
Bowie and Hendrix
Competitors, sailors and non-sailors alike are welcome to join us on the bus over to the next village Sivota to join in the party and celebrations in this beautiful harbour which Wildwind clients don't usually get the opportunity of seeing, featuring the UK's number one David Bowie tribute band and a Jimmy Hendrix tribute band.
The Ionian tends to be a truly international lineup with the on water commentary keenly following the various teams from Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, etc. fighting it out with tactical manoeuvres all the way.
For those less experienced sailors, the golden tickets are to sail as crew with a staff member. These are in hot demand as only a few staff are available to sail as the rest are either on the rescue ribs or stay at the Wildwind base for clients who don’t want to join the Ionian.